
50-1000g 99% Vitamin B6 VB6,Free Shipping


SKU: ckioh22c5310008nf7h0 Category:



Brand Name: None

Origin: Mainland China

Model Number: VB6

Product Description :
Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, includes pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. It exists in the form of phosphate in the body. It is a water-soluble vitamin. It is easy to be damaged in case of light or alkali and is not resistant to high temperature. [1] It was named vitamin B6 in 1936. Vitamin B6 is a colorless crystal, easily soluble in water and ethanol, stable in acid solution and easy to be damaged in alkali solution. Pyridoxine is heat-resistant, and pyridoxal and pyridoxamine are not heat-resistant. Vitamin B6 is abundant in yeast, liver, grains, meat, fish, eggs, beans and peanuts. Vitamin B6 is a component of some coenzymes in human body and participates in a variety of metabolic reactions, especially closely related to amino acid metabolism. Clinical application of vitamin B6 preparation in the prevention and treatment of pregnancy vomiting and radiation sickness vomiting.
Vitamin B6 is a B-group vitamin. The main functions of vitamin B6 are to inhibit vomiting, nourish nerves, promote metabolism, prevent thrombosis, treat anemia, prevent isoniazid poisoning and so on. When the body lacks vitamin B6 due to insufficient intake or other factors, clinical symptoms, such as angular stomatitis and seborrheic dermatitis, can be supplemented appropriately.

Vitamin B6 Major Function:
1. Inhibition of vomiting: vitamin B6 has the effect of stopping vomiting. Under the guidance of doctors, it can be used for vomiting caused by early pregnancy reaction in early pregnancy and serious vomiting caused by anticancer drugs. It has good antiemetic effect, but whether it needs to be taken or not needs to be taken according to the doctor’s advice;
2. Nutritional nerve: most B vitamins have the function of nutritional nerve. They can enhance or restore the function of the nervous system by synthesizing neurotransmitters, such as promoting brain nerve development, treating peripheral neuritis and insomnia;

3. Promote metabolism: vitamin B6 is an indispensable substance for body metabolism. Like other vitamins, it participates in the metabolism of nutrients in the body;

4. Prevention of thrombosis: vitamin B6 can inhibit platelet aggregation, avoid damage to vascular endothelial cells, prevent thrombosis, and also prevent and treat arteriosclerosis;

5. Treatment of anemia: because vitamin B6 can promote the formation of hemoglobin in the body, vitamin B6 supplementation can correct anemia, such as hemolytic anemia, thalassemia, etc;

6. Prevention and treatment of isoniazid poisoning: for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, long-term excessive use of isoniazid will lead to poisoning symptoms. Vitamin B6 can alleviate the symptoms of isoniazid poisoning and is used to prevent and treat isoniazid poisoning.

Reminder: if no additional vitamin B6 supplement is required, such preparations shall not be taken without authorization at this time. The diet in daily life is enough for the body. If you take too much, it may lead to other problems, which should be paid attention to














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50, 100, 250, 500, 1000


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